Putting my money where my mouth is
Putting my money where my mouth is
You have heard me in many a blog, video or social-media post ask you to continue to support local, small businesses. Beyond my typical catch phrases like “to make a short story long” and “I can smell a lie like a fart in a car”, the one starting to be heard most often is “thank you for supporting small”.
As I shared recently, for every online order that is shipped, I write a personal, hand-written note to add to the box. I always end it with “thank you for supporting our small shop. ~Boyd”.
It means something to me that people took the time to search our store and decided to make a purchase. So I want it to mean something to them when they receive the item.
I say it.
I believe it.
Supporting local small businesses means something really big to me.
So I am going to literally put my money where my mouth is.
This summer, I am making a commitment to actively - not just now and then – but actively visit small, local shops, restaurants, service organizations. Initially, my goal is to select something weekly.
I will use social groups like the Omaha Food Lovers, the Omaha Keep Local Alive, and Omaha Whiskey Lovers for suggestions. And periodically, I am going to seek your input. Drop me a DM with suggestions.
I might even do fun things like “you decide where I eat tonight,” where most votes wins.
Not only am I going to tell you all about it as I venture on this journey, I’m gonna share it in as many ways as I can. I’m going to conduct Google and Yelp reviews, make social posts etc, to do everything I can to help others grow too. I said I’m going to put my money where my mouth is, but I’m also going to back it up by sharing. Lots of great folks already do this and I want to do the same. I love it when people tell me they “heard about this store from their friend.” In fact, I usually reply with, ”You must have pretty great friends.”
Listen, when I tell people my favorite part of owning a small business, I always say: "The people, the connections, the community”.
This Simple Man challenge is to expand that, outside the walls of our store. To meet new people. To make new small-business connections and to support my community.
It’s simple.