5 simple things I’ve realized this holiday season
5 simple things I’ve realized this holiday season
It makes sense, right? The holidays are the time you stop and give thanks for your blessings. I mean it is as customary as hanging lights and listening to one particular Mariah Carey song over and over and over again.
In all seriousness, stopping to think about your non-physical gifts in life is what we have been taught to do this time of year. To stop and think. Well, you also might realize, that for me to stop the hustle right now and think is not an easy task. I mean I forget to eat some days.
The other night, though, as I got home after an amazing day at the store, I was sharing some of the highlights with Em and the kids and it made me realize – there are some key things I’ve realized.
And truthfully, they are simple.
Let me share them.
Trust your gut and over-prepare
Last year, I’ll admit, when it came to the last few days before Christmas, I felt like I had some failures in the most successful year of our existence. I know that sounds like an oxymoron. What I meant was, I kept thinking “if I had done this….” or “why didn’t I follow my gut and…”
So this year, I trusted my gut for some decisions regarding inventory, products, promotions. It, in some ways, was risky for a small-business like ours. I now know that trusting that gut and over-preparing does reap rewards.
Let’s do that more in 2023!
The power of a recommendation
Intellectually I know that word-of-mouth is the best marketing one can do. Personally, I trust a friend or colleagues’ advice more than other means too, so I get it. But it truly amazes me sometimes, the value a personal referral or shout-out on social media can have to the growth of a small business. When people share how they heard of us, and I hear the same names popping up, I realize it has more value than some monetary investments.
Let’s do that more for others in 2023!
Sharing kind words
This one is probably as obvious as the former, but we sometimes forget the amazing feeling it brings to share kind words with others. What I hope is that it goes beyond this time of year. Let’s not save the “that hat looks great on you” or “I appreciate you” to just the last months of the year, huh?
Share kind words with others just for the hell of it.
Let’s share more in 2023!
We have the most amazing people surrounding us.
I could not do this without our gang. And I don’t mean that as hyperbole. We physically could not function or stay above ground this time of year without our tribe.
Please allow me to thank a select few:
- Megan T for the yummy food drop-offs.
- Jen W for helping with social and marketing while on maternity leave
- Simon C for creating amazing content for us as he killing it making music videos and sh*t
- 316 Strategy Group for pushing us to keep growing and learning
- And mostly, to Jamie, Rayetta and Molly – for being here at the store, for keeping me sane, for validating that our family is everything.
I’ll show you even more appreciation in 2023!
I love what I do.
As a shopkeeper, I spend a great deal of time agonizing what to bring in for you. I have to tell you, it fills me up to know that sometimes I get it right. When you share with me things like “I just love this place” or “this feels great” or this makes me laugh”, it validated I’m getting you and you get us. For me, it is far more than buying and selling stuff. It is a tighter connection that the things we decide to bring in, those have a purpose more than we realize. When customers give you feedback that confirms all the hundreds of things you consider, it simply brings me joy.
I love being part of that.
I hope I can do more of that for you and with you in 2023!
Thank you, for our Simple Man blessings.
It’s simple.