Tons of leaves in the yard I have to deal with.
(I’m really not complaining….I am blessed to have a home with big trees).
Strike that. You know what?
Tons of leaves in the yard that the KIDS have to deal with (that’s what kids are for right?).
Cold temps.
As I sat at my daughter’s football game the other day like this, I wondered if fall decided 2020 was one to skip out on.

It was damn cold….unseasonably odd weather.
Unseasonably odd everything this year. No typical Husker games, no fire pits with the friend group.
One thing we made sure to keep ‘normal’ this year was sending the kids to Minnesota for harvest. Not sure if I’ve told you, but Emily grew up on a farm in Southern Minnesota and her parents and brother still live there and farm soybeans and corn.
Living in Omaha, the kids miss out on many typical farm days. But they always, hopefully always, will be part of harvest.
I love harvest on the farm.
The sounds, smells, change in temp from sunrise to sunset.
The food – oh my gosh the food. Those of you who know, know what I mean.
Here is a glimpse of our Harvest 2020:
Nowell rode in the semi with Uncle Jeff and learned to v-rip. He said he was scared to death that he would break Grandpa’s tractor. (He didn’t)

Nora practiced driving on the country roads and hung out with her cousins. (Giggles all night long)

Teddy got to play with his buddy Calvin and run free.

This time is important to our family. Once again, I hope I am teaching them that family businesses are not always easy. There are times during the year when it is all in, all together, to get the job done.
Whether you are a city kid or a farm kid…or in their case, a bit of both.

And together we do get the job done.
Let’s work together in more ways, folks. Think what we could accomplish.
It’s simple.